5° Award dedicate to “Guardia di Finanza”

2022 AWARD A.R.F.I. dedicate
to “Guardia di Finanza”

(Award manager IZ7PMQ) II0GDF

On the occasion of the celebration of 248th year of the foundation of Corp “Guardia di Finanza” the members of the “Associazione Radioamatori Finanzieri Italiani” (A.R.FI.) present the 2022 award and invite all radioamateurs in the world to participate.

 Contact as many call and special stations as possible in as many bands as possible.
Date: From 00:00 UTC hours on JUNE 16 to 23:59 on JUNE 26.
Bands: 6, 10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40, 80 and 160m in the segments recommended by the IARU.
Modes: SSB ,CW and digital modes (FT4,FT8,RTTY)
Participants: Any radio amateur with an official license.
Call: CQ 2022 AWARD ARFI
Granting stations:
II0GDF, II0GDF/1, II0GDF/2, II0GDF/3, II0GDF/4, II0GDF/5, II0GDF/6, II0GDF/7, II0GDF/8, II0GDF/9, II0GDF/IS0, national call of the A.R.F.I. association. (5 points)
IQ0TK, IQ0XK, IQ7ET, territorial section calls. (3 points)
IZ7PMQ, IX1VGS, IZ1KVQ, IU7HVR, founding members. (2 points)
IZ0HAH, IZ1UKF, IZ8YAA, IZ8SKD, IK8UHE, IU1FHJ, members. (1 point)
Valid contacts, one per band and mode with each call  and special call station listed in the following table.
Awards: can obtain the award with 100 points and the first three classified plates.

Qsl: we only accept and exchange eqsl no qsl papers.




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